Fusion Thermal Spray Coating

What is fusion spray?

Fusion spray is a type of thermal coating that is used for treating components in nuclear reactor plants. The parts in the reactor need to be treated with a certain process in order for them to be suitable to use in this environment. Thermonuclear fusion is a potential energy source for the future, as it can provide us with cleaner energy as we move away from fossil fuels. Keeping the components in a plant functional under the extremes of pressure and heat is crucial to developing this energy source.

What are the benefits of fusion spray?

Fusion spray creates a certain type of coating specifically for use in thermonuclear plants. It is designed to be subjected to the incredibly high forces in a nuclear plant. The industry is constantly researching the best types of materials to use for coatings. We keep up to date with the latest research into the best alloys to use to enable the parts to withstand the conditions for longer. The forces created in a nuclear plant are intense, and the alloys that are used to coat the parts need to be extremely resilient and resistant to withstand the pressure in the environment. When you come to us, you can be confident that we are keeping abreast of the latest technologies.


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    When should we choose fusion spray?

    Fusion spraying is used to repair and maintain parts from a thermonuclear plant. It has been developed for use in the nuclear industry. It has been developed specifically for this industry to help the advancement of other sources of energy as we move away from being heavily reliant on fossil fuels. The industry is evolving extremely quickly and we make sure we keep up with any developments in this field.

    Typical uses of Fusion Spray

    Mechanical Coatings


    Fused Coating

    Wire Machinery



    Chemical Plants

    Why choose IRS for your fusion spraying?

    At IRS we have invested heavily in both our technology and our team. Over time we have built a dedicated team of engineering and technical professionals. This ensures that on-site procedural and chemistry assistance and technical support is always available without obligation. Our engineers are constantly researching the latest development in cutting-edge fusion technology, this interest in the field means that they are ready to bring their knowledge to every project that they undertake. We have also invested in the robotics of our business giving us cost-saving efficiencies which we can pass on to our customers. We are renowned both in the UK and overseas for our fast turnaround time. Not only do we understand our industry, we understand yours. We understand the repercussions of downtime for you, and always endeavour to strive to keep our turnaround times as quick as possible so that your systems can go on operating to their maximum efficiency. For a no-obligation discussion about your thermal coating requirements, whether you need arc spraying, plasma spraying, flame spraying, HVOF, or fusion spraying, come and speak to the team at IRS.
